the stench formed in wolverhampton in 1981 with the influences of the pistols/ the sniveling shits, lets just say a lot of first wave punk! the group were more in to nihilism and the darker side of humanity. Not to many people at the time could figure us out, or where we were coming from, as we had no political agenda, this I think somtimes confused the more liberal punks in the audience, who had embraced the new hippy/punk ideology. the stench have surported bands such as the uk subs/ g.b.h/ the partisans/s.p.g the band did release a single on sticky records called "raspberry cripple" in 82 but the band considered it to be more of a demo than a final recorded track, and they had by then progressed to a tight performing band [if they were sober! lol] but i must admit 90% of stench gigs where cut short due to violence, which the band found tiresome and eventually led to the stench being banned from performing in ther home town. the band continued to gig round the country but eventually backed in to the studio where they recorded enough material for two albums, but were never released as the band broke up in the fall of 84. since then they have had a re-release of ther first single on a american lable [puke and vomit] in 2005 and a album released on a italian record lable [pure punk] in 2008, also another album out now available from
www.purepunk.it called "obsessed with evil" the stench are now waiting to see if ther is enough interest in the band to justify reforming to record and perform again! [you never know it could happen!!!!] also our first album is available on free download from