SB 27 RockPunk from Stockholm/Luleå Sweden. I first heard their music, reminds me to Bad Religion with vocal like Fat Wrech. Their music was so loud with a very good harmony. They are formed from a long friendship awake in August, 2004 when they drank together.
Kaj came from "THE DUSKFALL", Glenn came from "SHUTDOWN IMMINENT", Patrik came from "UNTIED" and Jonas from the hardcore act "CASE". In 2006 Their old friend Daniel, also ex "UNTIED", joined them on drums and now they are stronger than ever before.
check their music and burn Your SB 27 CD's Own.
Chek Their Site in Here
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Friday, 23 October 2009
Thursday, 22 October 2009
The Pain formed in 1983,out of distorted and no disgrace,the band has seen many line up changes,and up until 2007 still had 3 original members. we were influenced by the clash and 2nd wave of punk-ruts/uk subs discharge etc,but never tried to sound like our influences,shaping the band into their unique brand of ..punkfuckingrock...The Pain recorded demo..s in 83/84/87/92/94,the songs were released as tapes,the bands gigged with many of the uk..s finest,and finally released their debut album in 2005,..Arab On The Hill..and 2008 will see their 2nd offering released,titled-..-..Songs from the soil.....The Pain individually hold many political and moral beliefs,but try not to over emphasise that,mixing politics with humour and reggae/ska/hardcore aspects combined with our old school roots have shaped the pain into a true honest fun punk rock band.
line up:
The pain - Planet Payback.mp3
line up:
Harry -Vocals
Jacko -Bass
Lawden -guitar/vocals
Wooz -L.Guitar/vocals
Tran -Drums
Jacko -Bass
Lawden -guitar/vocals
Wooz -L.Guitar/vocals
Tran -Drums
The pain - Planet Payback.mp3
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Anti-Flag Profile
By Ryan Cooper,
Justin Sane - Lead vocals, Lead guitar (1988-present)
Chris #2 - Bass, Lead vocals (1998-present)
Chris Head - Rhythm Guitar, Backing vocals (1997-present)
Pat Thetic - Drums (1988-present)

Die for the Government (1996) New Red Archives
Their System Doesn't Work for You (1998) A-F Records
A New Kind of Army (1999) Go-Kart Records/A-F Records
Underground Network (2001) Fat Wreck Chords
Mobilize (2002) A-F Records
The Terror State (2003) Fat Wreck Chords
For Blood And Empire (2006) RCA Records
The Bright Lights of America (2008) RCA Records
Although Anti-Flag in its current lineup is known for being formed in Pittsburgh in 1993, the band was actually started up by Justin Sane and Pat Thetic in 1988. That incarnation fell apart after one show, and the band was shelved until 1993, when the current version of Anti-Flag began to take shape with the recruitment of (now ex-) bassist Andy Flag.
Current Lineup:
Justin Sane - Lead vocals, Lead guitar (1988-present)
Chris #2 - Bass, Lead vocals (1998-present)
Chris Head - Rhythm Guitar, Backing vocals (1997-present)
Pat Thetic - Drums (1988-present)
A Controversial Name:
The band's name often attracts criticism by those who believe it reflects an anti-American stance. The band offered an explanation of their name on the artwork for their 1999 release, A New Kind of Army, saying "Anti-Flag does not mean Anti-American. Anti-Flag means anti-war. Anti-Flag means the common people of the world are better off living in unity and peace. Anti-Flag means to stand against corporate greed that hurts millions while benefiting a handful of extremely rich. Anti-Flag means to fight against mindless nationalism. Anti-Flag means unity."
Controversial Politics:
Anti-Flag has always been fiercely and vocally political, taking a stance against war and capitalism, and addressing such issues as fascism in the punk scene, American foreign policy and racism.
This anti-capitalist stance drew criticism towards the band when they signed with RCA Records. Detractors said that this constituted a "sell-out" and that the band would lose its passion and voice. Anti-Flag defended against these attacks by saying that the new label allowed them to bring their message to more people, and by simply not toning down any of their messages on their first major label release, For Blood And Empire.
This anti-capitalist stance drew criticism towards the band when they signed with RCA Records. Detractors said that this constituted a "sell-out" and that the band would lose its passion and voice. Anti-Flag defended against these attacks by saying that the new label allowed them to bring their message to more people, and by simply not toning down any of their messages on their first major label release, For Blood And Empire.
Selected Discography:

Die for the Government (1996) New Red Archives
Their System Doesn't Work for You (1998) A-F Records
A New Kind of Army (1999) Go-Kart Records/A-F Records
Underground Network (2001) Fat Wreck Chords
Mobilize (2002) A-F Records
The Terror State (2003) Fat Wreck Chords
For Blood And Empire (2006) RCA Records
The Bright Lights of America (2008) RCA Records
Sunday, 18 October 2009
A Sistem Rijek ?!
- IxWsfkd: Voxwords
- Budi Rijk: Gitrazz
- BowYeaaah: Buzz
- Ben WnkrZ: Drum
Fastcore, Brutal Screaming like Total chaos, Extreme Decay

Recorded at Bridge Studio 2005
All songs written by A Sistem Rijek?!
All lyrics written by IxWsfkd
Cover album by IxWsfkd
Released by Yes No Wave Music
Formed by Melbourne-based artist Danius Kesminas in 2006, PUNKASILA is a fluid and collaborative project which includes graduates and current students from the Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) in Yogyakarta. PUNKASILA play custom-made, hand-crafted mahogany guitars simulating hybrid M-16s/AK-47s and wear camouflage-patterned hand-painted batik, tailored as military fatigues. PUNKASILA's debut album, "Acronym Wars" was released in Indonesia in 2006. PUNKASILA give voice to the cacophony of acronyms representing the disparate political, military, religious, cultural and bureaucratic organisations that constitute the Indonesian body politic. Since Soekarno’s reign, acronyms have represented a real site of ideological struggle. Between 1950 and 1965 this phenomenon was defined as the period of “acronym wars”. PUNKASILA have set these acronyms to a frenetic, progressive-punk-rock idiom. Each song repetitively iterates a specific acronym, invoking its popular inversion using plesetan – a peculiar Indonesian word play or subversive double-speak. The name, PUNKASILA, which literally means “punk principles”, derives from Pancasila, the five ideological tenets devised by Soekarno as propaganda to create a unitary basis of Indonesian nationhood. Although PUNKASILA’s repertoire and appearance as a cultural outlaw militia suggests provocative intent the project is more a celebration of new-dawn, post-reformasi openness than critique, ambiguously straddling the fault between taboo, parody and humour. By demonstration, on the basis of the song list the CD was prohibited to replicate in Indonesia and the band have been previously censured at gigs. PUNKASILA have performed throughout Java and their numerous fans are from a wide-ranging demographic that includes the Sultan of Yogyakarta, Hamengkubuwono X, who has purchased a copy of Acronym Wars (which is possibly on high rotation in the princesses quarters). PUNKASILA’s abbreviated Repertoire (with accompanying plesetan inversion): TNI: Tentara Nasional Indonesia (Indonesian National Military), Tikyan Ning Idab-Idabi (Poor but Adorable) PNU: Partai Nahdlatul Ummat (Islamic Community Awakening Party), Partai Nunut Udud (Party for Taking Cigarettes from your Friends) TURBA: a conflation of Turun ke Bawah and Turuk Babi (Down to Earth, Pig’s Vagina). Turun ke Bawah was a leftist ideology of the 1950’s and 60’s for the political and cultural mobilisation of the populous. It was later used by the Soeharto regime to spread New Order ideology to the villages. KOPASSSUS: Komando Pasukan Khusus (Special Force Command), Komando Pasukan Suka Susu (Milk Lovers’ Force Command/Tit Lovers’ Force Command) PKI: Partai Komunis Indonesia (Indonesian Communist Party), Penggemar Komik Indonesia (Indonesian Comic Fans), Penggemar Kaos Indonesia (Indonesian T-Shirt Fans), Partai Kaos Indonesia (Chaos Party of Indonesia), Penjahat Kelamin Indonesia (Indonesian Sex Offender) RPKAD: Resimen Para Komando Angkatan Darat (Army Para-Commando Regiment Command), Rampung Kenthu Anake Duwekmu (We have Sex but the Child will be Yours) PUNKASILA Cell Operatives: Adhik Kristiantoro: hand-crafted mahogany gun guitars & garuda emblem carving relief "Le'War" Warsito: metal tripod guitar stands Pak Manto: hand-made, batik lined, embossed guitar cases Drs. Muhajirin & Oct. Yoyok Suroso: hand-painted 5m x 3m PUNKASILA banner Abdul Sy.: camouflage patterned, hand-painted batik & 5m x 3m batik banner Nia-Nia: batik tailored military fatigues Terra Bajraghosa: PUNKASILA video animations "Iwank" Erwan Hersi Susanto: PUNKASILA comics Pius Sigit Kuncoro: PUNKASILA wayang puppets "Jiyot" Heri Sukowati: electronic noise machines Antariksa: acronym consultant Iwan Effendi: PUNKASILA dictionary of 28,000 Indonesian acronyms Wok the Rock: posters Gentong: logistics and arak supplies Production and sound engineering: Dave Nelson PUNKASILA WOULD LIKE THANKS TO : all the people who help us ,TONY KASMINAS n family, gintas and allice, lithuanian house, melbourne city, DARRENKNIGHT GALLERY, nickolas champber,out loud studio, jackpot resto, queen street, GALLERY OF MODERN ART BRISBANE, DING DONG LOUNGE, THE HISTRIONICS, MELBOURNE BITTER, XXXX,and legendary PROFOST STREET 52 YEAH!!!!!!
Record LabelDarren Knight Gallery Records
- Danius Kesminas: megaphone and hand grenade microphone
- "Hahan" Uji Handoko Eko Saputro: radio transmission vocals
- Rudy "Atjeh" Dharmawan: KSP Stehr AUG, 5.56mm guitar
- "Iyok" Prayoga Satrio Utomo: KSP Zastava M80, 5.5mm guitar
- Janu Satmoko: KSP hybrid M16/grenade launcher bass
- Prihatmoko "Moky" Catur: drums and amplified ballistics
- Gde Krisna Widiathama: anti-keyboard satellite signals
- Wimo Ambala Bayang: modified communications devices

Record LabelDarren Knight Gallery Records
Friday, 16 October 2009
Vital Pentols mp3 - Indonesian Punk
Indonesian Punk Rock, playing semi classic punk like sex pistols, the partisans and Last Resorts
Indonesian Punk Rock, playing semi classic punk like sex pistols, the partisans and Last Resorts
Vital PENTOLS form in 1998 was the youth's responsibility it rock music who want to fill the boredom with the routine of playing music and then agreed to form a rockmusic band to transform the energy and anger will be a lasting saturation (which is also a time to be a saturation).
We play songs of The Sex Pistols, and several months later in a house garage Bhernadus we agreed to give a name and VITAL PENTOLS have a song with tittle:"Better be a Punk than fucking Junkies".
The last line up are : Gadjah-vodkalist/bass, Noveus-vox/synth, Doly-bac vox/ guitar, Rach-drums, Ayi - Guitar.
We play songs of The Sex Pistols, and several months later in a house garage Bhernadus we agreed to give a name and VITAL PENTOLS have a song with tittle:"Better be a Punk than fucking Junkies".
The last line up are : Gadjah-vodkalist/bass, Noveus-vox/synth, Doly-bac vox/ guitar, Rach-drums, Ayi - Guitar.
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Der Dicke Polizist
Der Dicke Polizist (since 2005 only DDP) is a german punk band, which was founded in 1993 in Koblenz (near Bonn). DDP's music can be discribed as critical, direct and political Punkrock.
After many shows in their town, DDP produced their first demo tap "Keine Gerechtigkeit,Keine Liebe" (1994). In the following 3 year the band became more and more popular and plays shows with Wizo. Fuckin' Faces and Dödelhaie. Then they produced their second demo tape, called "Wir habens satt". In 1998 the next demo tape "Was Den Lieben Nachbar Stört" and their first album "Es geschah am hellixten Tag" had been produced. DDP produced the next album in the year 2002, which is called "Und Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt". In 2005 next album "DDP" had been published.
Today the bands name is only DDP because the old bandname sounds so funny ("the fat police man"), but the music DDP makes isn't funny, the lyrics are critical and politic.
After many shows in their town, DDP produced their first demo tap "Keine Gerechtigkeit,Keine Liebe" (1994). In the following 3 year the band became more and more popular and plays shows with Wizo. Fuckin' Faces and Dödelhaie. Then they produced their second demo tape, called "Wir habens satt". In 1998 the next demo tape "Was Den Lieben Nachbar Stört" and their first album "Es geschah am hellixten Tag" had been produced. DDP produced the next album in the year 2002, which is called "Und Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt". In 2005 next album "DDP" had been published.
Today the bands name is only DDP because the old bandname sounds so funny ("the fat police man"), but the music DDP makes isn't funny, the lyrics are critical and politic.
Du hast Panik in den Augen
Unordnung in Deinem Kopf
Versuch doch mal zu schreien
Wenn Du noch immer hoffst
Du hast doch alles schon gewusst
Deshalb trifft Dich keine Schuld
So wie es jetzt nun ist
So hast Du es nie gewollt
Kein Kopf, der Dich versteht
Unordnung in Deinem Kopf
Versuch doch mal zu schreien
Wenn Du noch immer hoffst
Du hast doch alles schon gewusst
Deshalb trifft Dich keine Schuld
So wie es jetzt nun ist
So hast Du es nie gewollt
Kein Kopf, der Dich versteht
Kein Herz das mit Dir fühlt Kein Bein das mit
Dir geht und bei Dir bleib wenn
Du noch stehst Keine Hand die man
Dir reicht Kein Auge das nach
Dir blickt Kein Bein das mit
Dir geht sondern Dich von hinten tritt
Du kennst schon all die Phrasen
Die Parolen färben langsam ab
Und Deine Lederjacke
Hängt zu eng in Deinem Schrank
So ein wenig ist es noch wie früher
Es wird nur nicht mehr geglaubt
Du löffelst braune Stücke aus der Suppe
Du kennst schon all die Phrasen
Die Parolen färben langsam ab
Und Deine Lederjacke
Hängt zu eng in Deinem Schrank
So ein wenig ist es noch wie früher
Es wird nur nicht mehr geglaubt
Du löffelst braune Stücke aus der Suppe
Und spuckst sie nicht mehr aus
ONE WAY SYSTEM - Biography
One Way System were formed in 1979 as a five piece band in Fleetwood, a seaside fishing town in the North West of England. Their raucous punk style was first noticed by No Future Records who included a demo of 'Jerusalem ' on the now collectable compilation 'A Country Fit For Heroes' in 1981. This was shortly followed by the seminal 'Stab The Judge' EP on Blackpool 's own 'Beat The System Records'.
It had taken some time for the line up to settle down as Gavin Whyte on vocals, Dave Ross guitar, Gaz Buckley bass & Tom Couch on drums
By 1983 the System became the first signing for new Cherry Red label 'Anagram Records'. Their first single for the label 'Give Us A Future' leapt straight into the Independent Chart. The band were featured on the front cover of the now defunct 'Sounds' music paper to coincide with the release of their acclaimed first album 'All Systems Go'. By this time the band were gigging constantly, both as headliners and alongside contemporaries such as GBH, The Exploited and The Test Tube Babies.
In retrospect the second album 'Writing On The Wall' really said it all with a title hinting of things to come. Although as hard edged and gritty as the first LP, one can detect the desire to move onwards and upwards from the straight punk sound. The band played some classic shows to promote the record including their only European outing, a 32 date tour of Germany .
The change of producer, from manager John Bentham, to Clay Records supremo Mike Stone for the 'Visions of Angels' EP, was a dramatic shift of sound and feel. Although well received, it seemed to leave the band in an almost uncomfortable void from which there was 'no return'.
October 1984 saw the band in America for a West Coast tour alongside US act 'The Circle Jerks', whose singer broke his neck just before the first gig resulting in the tour being cancelled. However the Los Angeles show at the massive Olympic Auditorium went ahead with Suicidal Tendencies stepping in. This was followed a couple a days later by what was to be the Systems last gig at an illegal warehouse party, where the band played a storming set on minimal equipment, hitting the last note as the Los Angeles Police Department arrived to break up the gathering
Their return to the UK was to prove difficult and although enough songs were written for a new album, the band had decided to call it a day.
1994 saw the release of both albums on CD by the "Captain Oi!" re-issue label. This was followed by a 'Best Of' CD from "Anagram". By mid '95 the original band was back together, rehearsing for their first live show in over Ten years. A couple of warm up gigs in the North of England were followed by the 'Fuck Reading' all dayer at London's Brixton Academy in front of 2000 people, along with a similar show headlining in Belgium.
Late November saw the departure of original bass player Gaz Buckley, with Dave 'Rabid' Brown standing in for a Ten date tour across Europe , Dave was soon to be replaced by Andy Wilkinson.
March 1996 and Cleopatra Records in Los Angeles issue the bands first ever US domestic release "Forgotten Generation", which is basically the "Best Of", but using some different tracks and different packaging. The band also released a limited pressing 7" vinyl EP of 4 live tracks from the Rennesincluding the already legendary 'Holidays In The Sun' festival in Blackpool , where the System "came home" to headline the second stage on the Saturday.
Whilst the band were working on new material and preparing to record in early '97, they found themselves without a singer! Gavin had decided not to pursue any interest with the band. So a decision was made to continue working on songs with band roadie 'Lee Havoc' taking on the microphone. This arrangement worked very well, and in a short time the band were recording new material
One Way Systems performance at the 'Holidays In The Sun' festival, The Holiday Snaps Video, is the last release to feature Gavin. A fitting finale for Gav to be playing to his biggest audience ever for a local show. Respect.
When we get back to Jerusalem
Everybody's gonna praise our name
When we get back to Jerusalem
Ain't nothing gonna be the same
When the System hit Jerusalem
All the waters gonna turn to beer
When we get back to Jerusalem
You wont never see us hanging round here
Jerusalem can't you feel the heat
Jerusalem dare you walk the streets
With everybody looking after number one
Your face ain't nothing till you gone
The last time we went to Jerusalem
Everyone said we sounded fine
The last time we went to Jerusalem
Everybody had a real good time
The punks ain't punks in Jerusalem
They all think they know how to pose
Opinions don't matter in Jerusalem
As long as you wear the right clothes
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Normahl is a German punk band formed in 1978 in Stuttgart by four high school students. Their first major entry into the U.S. was with the song Keine Überdosis Deutschland featured in the hit movie Euro Trip.
- 1980 Stuttgart über alles (EP) (Stuttgart over all)
- 1981 Verarschung Total (LP)
- 1982 Ein Volk steht hinter uns (LP) (The people are behind us)
- 1984 Der Adler ist gelandet (LP) (The eagle has landed)
- 1985 Harte Nächte (LP) (Hard nights)
- 1986 Lebendig I - Live in Switzerland (LP/live) (Alive I - Live in Switzerland)
- 1988 Biervampir (Maxi-Single) (beer vampire)
- 1989 Kein Bier vor vier (LP) (No beer before four)
- 1991 Blumen im Müll (CD/LP) (Flowers in the garbage)
- 1993 Auszeit (CD/LP) (Time out)
- 1994 Lebendig II - Ernst ist das Leben (CD/live) (Alive II - Life is serious)
- 1994 Lebendig III - Heiter ist die Kunst (CD/ live) (Alive II - Art is funny)
- 2002 IN RI 21 (CD)
- 2003 Das ist Punk – Best of...(CD) (This is Punk - best of)
- 2005 Voll Assi (CD) (Totally associal)
- 1987 Harte Nächte (Single) (Hard Night)
- 1987 Fraggles (Single)
- 1989 Hans im Glück (Single) (Lucky Hans)
- 1990 Merry Jingle (Single)
- 1991 Geh wie ein Tiger (Single/ Maxi CD) (Walk like a tiger)
- 1992 Drecksau (Maxi CD) (Dirty pig)
- 1992 Diplomatenjagd (Maxi CD) (Hunt the diplomat)
- 1993 Weit weg (Maxi CD) (Far away)
- 2000 Sex am Telefon (Maxi CD) (Sex on the telephone)
- 2005 Sonne im Dezember (Maxi CD) (Sunny December)
- 2006 Wenn ein Tor fällt...(Maxi CD) (When a goal is shot...)
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