Tuesday, 29 December 2009

The South Central Skanker

The South Central Skankers Rise from Lost Angeles Don’t confuse your racing heart, rising temperature and the uncontrollable urge to thrash your body in all directions with a fatal illness; you are merely experiencing the symptoms of the infectious sounds of the South Central Skankers. They show up with a five-piece, mad brass section, a walking baseline and unique, offbeat guitar chords that can’t help but entice people to get on their feet and SKANK! Skanking can only be described as the single most extreme motion attainable by the human being and is really the only way to cut loose and dance. Let’s just say The South Central Skankers do not discriminate; they intoxicate! Their unique and upbeat sounds attract people of all ages and from all walks of life. The Skankers create a sound that cannot be ignored by combining ska, punk, metal and Latin. Their influences vary from underground to highly established bands, many of which were born out of Los Angeles. The Skankers first joined forces in 2000 and in the fall of 2003, they went to the studio to record their first L.P. Now that SCS have reached a level beyond what you may call “up and coming” and are reaping some of their well-deserved success. The South Central Skankers have rocked the stages of the well-known Captiva Showcase during South By Southwest for the past four years, and have now gained the reputation for supreme rock-ability. The Skankers recipe for a perfect ska show combines “a killer intro, eight of your best songs, mullet wigs, ties and bow ties, Chile Tapatio, Masks, Corona Beer, Red Stripe Beer, Patron, Gray Goose, Jagermeister, Monster, Red Bull, Diamonds, White gold, Grills, Carne Asada Tacos, Joose, a Mexican flag and some Stickyest of the Ickyest.” With all of that thrown in the mix, how could you not have a successful show. After three years of unexpected twists and turns, The Skankers much anticipated album, Welcome to Lost Angeles, will be available for digital download June 23 with Captiva Records. The inspiration for the album's title, Welcome to Lost Angeles, originates from LA's dual reality. The glamorous, sunny beaches that the media portrays are in stark contrast to the dilapidated reality that lies beneath. The album was produced by TJ Rivera at Top Level Studios and The Skankers own Miguel Rodriguez. SCS will hit the road and tour with this album, but keep your skanking shoes on for the next! We dare you to stifle your urge to dance to the contagious rhythms produced by the South Central Skankers.
The band will rock out June 6th in the L.A. SKACORE Invasion 2009 in honor of their CD release. SCS will hit the road and tour with this album, but keep your skanking shoes on for the next! We dare you to stifle your urge to dance to the contagious rhythms produced by the South Central Skankers.

Welcome to Lost Angeles


  • Miguel - Vocals/Guitar
  • Adam - Bass
  • Johnny Beats - Drums
  • Omar - Trumpet
  • Bubba - Trombone
  • Josie - Trombone
  • Lalo - Tenor Saxophone
  • Day day - Alto Saxaphone
  • Esteban - Keys

Sunday, 27 December 2009

Social Task

THE EARLY YEARS-1978 In Orange County, beach cities were churning out fast raw cutting edge punk rock with a unique distinct sound. Standard four verse, four chorus patterns were now giving way to more innovative style’s created in Huntington Beach. During this time, 1978 there were approximately nine bands creating this beach city sound with varying numbers of fans following each group. The scene was divided into two distinct groups: "Day Glo" punks and the "Black Jacket" punks.

South of Beach Blvd near Pacific Coast Highway was the small Surfside community which fielded two bands: The Outsiders (a.k.a The Fucked) and The Slashers spawning a violent form of beach city punk rock. Still, further south near Brookhurst Street and Bushard Ave, were Day-Glo elements of The Crowd and The Voyeurs and the fans were predominately surf punks. Between these two scenes, various other bands formed in the Shorecrest West area of Burke Tract. From here, you would find bands like The Klan and The Screwz and The Idols, Non-Fascists and Fourth Reich. It was from here, the talent was drawn from to eventually form up a band, Sisunik: would dub the phrase “Social Task”. Edison High School, became the median ground zero for hundreds of beach city punk rockers which by 1980 numbered nearly 600 in one high school of about 5,000 students. From this fan base, Punk Rock organized elements into consolidated fan base, to defend against the growing threat of Hippie and Jock related violence. “Crop Dusters” and “Rock Patrol” roving about the Beach cities was a real problem for our scene at that time. Thus, the name “Social Task” was born. With increased street violence drawing the attention of local law enforcement, unprecedented profiling of punk rockers was now unfolding into downright police harassment. So, it seemed in the face of these threats, most of the fan base began to make the trek north into the Los Angeles club scene. In those days, there was competition in the Slam pits for domination with neighboring cities of which the Beach city reputation for violence began to spread like wildfire. By 1979, The Outsiders, The Klan, The Idols, Fourth Reich, The Slashers and Non-Fascists had broken up and many of the members were now forging new concepts brought back from the L.A. scene. It was from this new concept, that bands like China White, The Blades, and Social Task had sprung out creating a new sound melded with elements of previous composition written to create that very unique and distinctive Beach city (Orange County) sound. Don Snell, had just left The Idols and began collaborating with Jeff Milucky, and John Blake and working on some new songs and trying out several singers. Meanwhile, Slashers vocalist Scott Sisunik, had been in The Non-Fascists and forming up the earliest China White lineup with Frank Ruffino and Marc Martin, and introduced James Rodriquez and Skitch-blade.

Social Task proved to be short lived and disbanded around the beginning of 1981. In December of 1979, the band recorded a five song demo at Adamo's Audio which was a studio used by Warner Brothers. The band left the reel at Adamo's Audio and forgot all about it for years. Fast forward to 2007 and the discovery that Adamo's Audio was still in business and actually still had the reel! Artifix Records began making plans with Social Task to bake and transfer the reel and put it out on vinyl.

Hung on a Pin.mp3

Wednesday, 23 December 2009


Crass was formed in 1977, the environment around Dial House, an 'open community' near Epping, Essex town, in the UK. With songs from the Sex Pistols, anarchism became expense of self-awareness nihilis, but Crass up to deal directly with the socialist liberation and became a communal variety of political thought in the 20th century.

With a manifesto of punk, "Do It Yourself", uniting the utility of Crass songs, films, collage sounds, images and movement to bring criticism subversion innovative and sustainable against everything that they see as a culture built the basis of war, violence, sexisme, religious hypocrisy and excessive consumerism. They also fight with the people anarcho-pacifist which became a huge movement in the environment of punk music.
Crass beginning

The band was formed when the founder of Dial House and a former member of EXIT group, a group performance art avant-garde, Penny Rimbaud (real name Jerry Ratter) began playing music together a Clash fan Steve Ignorant, who was staying at Dial House. Together they recorded the song "So What? 'And' Do They owe Us a Living?" Which they call drums and vocal duet. For a very short time they call themselves Stormtrooper, before choosing the name of Crass, which is taken from the David Bowie song, 'Ziggy Stardust' (especially the lyrics that mention 'The kids was just Crass'). Other members of the house began to involve himself in the band, and it lasted quite a while before Crass playing in his first performance as a filler show 'Squatted street festival at Huntley Street, North London. Not long after that they started playing in the legendary punk club, Roxy in the area of Covent Garden, London. With money from his own band, making them a disaster from the drunks, and ended with the rejection of the appearance on stage, which is enshrined in their song "Banned from the Roxy 'and Rimbaud's essay' Crass at the Roxy '. Show-show options, including their first regular performances by the UK Subs in the White Lion pub in Putney. Show-show was watched by fewer people; "The audience is usually just us when the Subs played, and only the Subs when we played.", Said Penny Rimbaud.

Not long after that, the band decided to play more seriously, give more in view of their appearance. By avoiding drugs, alcohol and marijuana prior to their appearance on the stage, they also adapt the political thoughts of the use of black clothes, clothing styles that tend to the military, nor on the stage of everyday dikehidupan. They also introduced the use of a stage backdrop, a logo drawn by a friend of Rimbaud, Dave King (which of Sleeping Dogs Lie), as shown on the back cover of the album The Feeding Of The 5000. This made the band famous with his military force, which led some to accuse them of a fascist band. Crass said that their black uniform appearance was intended to be a statement against the "cult of personality", with it, so that in contrast to most other rock bands, no member would be referred to as the leader of the band.

Band logo displayed on the back of the stage represents a mixture of several "icons of authority, including the cross of Christianity, the swastika and the British Union flag combined with the image the two-headed snake consuming itself (to illustrate that power will eventually self-destruct) . Writing a political message is also one of the Crass strategies to convey their views as a "diatribe contradictory", as well as the use of loud music and aggressive to convey the messages of their pacifism, the works of art that refers to them according Dadaisme himself also took part and also performance art as a backdrop.

The band also uses the stage lights to enhance their appearance, they do not use a simple stage lights (only one color). Crass also a pioneer in the use of tools in multi-media platform, using video technology systems and use the films as well as the stage backdrop collage-video collage made by Mick Duffield and Gee Vaucher to help maximize their performances on stage.

Crass Records

Crass' first release was The Feeding Of The 5000, a 12-inch EP 45 rpm contains 18 tracks from the Small Wonder label in 1978. The workers that the company initially refused to handle it because of the lyrical content is very contradictory in the song "Reality Asylum". The album was eventually released with the removal of the song and replaced with silence for 2 minutes, and substitute the song ironically titled "The Sound Of Free Speech '. This incident prompted Crass to set his own record label, Crass Records, in order to bring the full album, and "Reality Asylum" was eventually released after a 7-inch single was recorded again. Mold album 'The Feeding of The 5000' by Crass Records show that the previous song was not included.

Like the albums of their own material, Crass Records released another album done by another artist, the album's first single released was "You Can Be You" by Honey Bane in 1980, a young girl who was staying at Dial House whilst on the run from children's home. Other artists included Zounds, Flux Of Pink Indians, rudimentary Peni, Conflict, Icelandic KUKL band (which included votes from Björk), classical singer Jane Gregory, and the Poison Girls, a band that has the same thoughts as Crass and has cooperate in every way over the years with Crass.

They also put out three editions of Bullshit Detector, compilations of demos and rough recordings which had been sent by the bands there, and they think the compilation is a punk DIY work ethic really is.

A number listed in all the Crass records release in order to display the countdown to the year 1984 (eg, 521,984 which means "five years to 1984"), Crass said that in that year they would disperse, taking from the date of the novel George Orwell which they believe to be the date of the victory of anti-authoritarian movement.

Crass issued a third album they are, 'Penis Envy', in 1981. This album marks the beginning of the presence of what is called the testosterone-driven 'hardcore punk' image formation of the 'Feeding of the 5000' and the development of the 'Stations of the Crass' the world has given recognition for their keeksistensian. The album featured musical arrangements more complex and female voices by Eve Libertine and Joy De Vivre (although Steve Ignorant remained a member of the group and also written on the cover of this album, but he did not follow the recording sessions for this album Crass) .

Crass also gave feminist issues and once again attacked the government institutions such as marriage and sexual repression. In one song, a song parody of 'MOR' love song entitled 'Our Wedding', given away for free on the magazine flexi disc in a romantic young girl, after the magazine was offered to distribute the song by an organization calling itself "Creative Recording And Sound Services "(see initials). Controversy in the tabloids that make them more sound movement, also coupled with the News of the World which claimed so far that the title of the song too fulgar for release.

Fourth LP album of Crass's double set album entitled 'Christ the Album' in 1982, took over a year to record, produce and mix, during which time the Falklands War happened and ended. This prompted Crass to fundamentally question the approach in making these recordings. As a group whose commitment to raise political issues, they feel that they have brought their message and appearance redundant by the existence of real events in the world. Release the album included the song 'How does it Feel to Be the Mother of A Thousand Dead "and" Sheep Farming in the Falklands', and the album 'Yes Sir, I Will', they bring their voices back to the base and bring message as a "tactical response" to the political situation at that time.

In the early days they were making graffiti around the area stensilan London Underground, the band is also involved in direct action, as well as their musical activities. In 1983 and 1984 they were involved as part of the Stop the City actions which involves the runners in the early 21st century as an anti-globalization protests. Real support activities that they would like it displayed on their last song called 'You're Already Dead', which also showed that Crass had abandoned their long commitment as a pacifist. This brings the band to further introspection to their initial stance, and some members of this group felt that they begin to lose sight of the essence of pure establishment which during their run. As a result of these debates, the next release using the Crass album name 'Acts of Love', an album of 50 poems by Penny Rimbaud with a classical music background, which also can be described as "songs to me the other" and aims to celebrate "the need for companionship desires, peace and love to be there with the other self."

A further post-Falklands war were the members of Crass make their presence more attention, with a KGB agent activity of Ronald Reagan Administration. With the recording, known as 'the Thatchergate tapes', a cassette featuring a faked conversation using voice samples from Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagans, who talked about their plan that the Europeans will be used as a target of nuclear weapons in the event of conflict between America and the Union Soviets. Recordings are spread among the public a lot, even though no Crass label in it, somehow the British newspaper the Observer can connect the voice recording with Crass.

The dissolution of Crass

Crass finally stopped appearing in public after becoming a serious threat to the government of Margaret Thatcher after the Falklands War. Questions in Parliament and they will attend court the Obscene Publications Act in British law, it makes them fight dimeja green and ended with what they call violence finally get what should be accepted. On July 7, 1984 the band played their final show in Aberdare, Wales, a benefit for the miners there who are on strike, before retreating to Dial House to save their energy for the next fight anywhere.

Andy Palmer who played guitar decided to leave the band so he could continue his studies at art college, and the consensus of the group is to "replace Andy Palmer tantamount to accepting the body as the next band member". This strengthens their decision to disband in 1984. Steve Ignorant and then joined the band Conflict, with whom he has been the basis adisional band, and in 1992 he formed Schwartzeneggar. From 1997 to 2000, he has been a member of the group Stratford Mercenaries. He also worked at the 'Punch and Judy' as a performer. Eve Libertine continued to record with her son Nemo Jones as well as performance artist A-Soma. Pete Wright concentrated on building himself a houseboat and formed the performance art group Judas 2, and Rimbaud continued to write and perform both solo and with other artists.
Crass influences

Philosophical and aesthetic influence of Crass art in most of the punk band in the 1980s could no longer be denied, although a few bands mimicked their style of music at the last moment (like on the album 'Yes Sir, I Will' and their latest recording, '10 Notes on a Summer's Day '). Crass said that the influence of music they are more likely to take the form of traditional rock music, as well as classical music (especially music of Benjamin Britten, which Rimbaud declared, a few riffs from songs by Crass imitate him all the music), works of art Dada and the avant-garde such as John Cage also made performances of traditional art. Painting and collage, black and white collage on the cover of their album by Gee Vaucher become a model of modern art aesthetic.

In November 2002 several former members of Crass collaborated under the name The Crass Collective to arrange Your actions Country Needs You, a music concert that raised "the voices against the war" which was held at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, South Bank, London, including the appearance of the performer Britten's War Requiem. In October 2003, the Crass Collective changed their activities to Crass Agenda, and they continued their performances on a regular basis. During 2004 Crass Agenda campaign to save the Vortex Jazz Club in Stoke Newington, north London, which has now relocated to Hackney. In June 2005, Crass Agenda was declared, and changed its name to sound more appropriate, Last Amendment.

    Monday, 14 December 2009


    The worst singer in the city of Mainz Michel, running aimlessly through the streets and look for another job. He succeeds through bribery, to join a band that shortly thereafter, "refers Untergangskommando. After their first joint "samples", it turns out that all the other "musicians understand" anything from their instruments. In Mc Donald's decision Mainz-Altstadt Steffen (guitar), paetzi (guitar), OMA (Bass), Strohbü (drums) and Michel without warning and without talent, the first offensive, they take on a tape and play live for the first time. With thoughtful carols chase the boys numerous guests from the live-music venues in the area. It's promising for next time practicing things better.

    It comes, as it must come: the signing in 1995 Untergangskommando Impact Records, finds a publisher, get an advance and: drowned everything. For the band bus left over after the ceremony, only 1500 marks. A Riesenschlamassel: the band buys a scrap heap and now holds the ADAC and the highway police on tenterhooks.

    The future producer Uwe Faust, who actually has many years experience with the chaos of a Düsseldorf not unknown band, sees the loss -
    command at a Christmas concert and recommends that after five songs the band to dissolve. After 3 vinyl EP's published 1996, the first long-player "Tatort Aldi. After the release party for guitarist paetzi and Michel fall while attempting to board an excursion boat at dawn to the Rhine.

    At the first major tour forgets Untergangskommando the bassist OMA in Erfurt, at three, and its absence is only found in Eisenach. Michel singer was arrested in Mainz, as he completely drunk in the Mainz Interior
    wandering around the town to preach. He explained later that the Lord has spoken to him in the night. On the "OH-TREE-TOUR" doom-plays
    command in prison in Mainz and in a homeless shelter and in some clubs, some are more concerts in one evening.

    The decline in 1997 to take command in a rainy week in February, the MCD "dawn". The studio work will be finished with a monumental fireworks. Some fireworks have exploded in the recording studio. The band has to pay the damage out of pocket - despite a comprehensive liability insurance. Conclusion: A mountain of debt and temporary studio ban.

    In the summer of that year, the second long player "recorded plague" and the first time the band produced the sound recording itself on the release - Party there are a hundred boxes "piss" and it will break some furniture, Bong fragmented into 1000 parts. All festivities canceled.

    Right at the beginning of 1998 separates the Untergangskommando from guitarist Steffen and starts the "Partisan Tour", the band races over many weekends through Germany. In between the vinyl EP "You get what you deserve" was added.

    Summer 98: The band steals an emergency power generator and begins to aufzukreuzen without notice at festivals and playing in front of the door. You get what you deserve! The demise command draws a week with friends and acquaintances by South German pedestrian zones and plays with emergency generator before each approximately 200 onlookers. To 2,800 miles in 9 days, the Volume 21 times encountered the police. The band passes unnoticed in the fundus of a theater clothes and begins to dress tastefully for the concerts.

    You get what you deserve! With the "Basement Ghost" and "Bastards Beezy" plays Untergangskommando 7 official concerts in Germany and irritated the visitors by wearing police uniforms. On the New Year's Eve Party 1998 will be summarily terminated guitarist Ätzy. The command is sinking back to five! For the first time with a new man on board, the band once again captures the recording studio. Result: A completely irritated engineer and a few fresh songs that have it in themselves. Tour is back in fashion.

    Work on a new CD to begin. They use a variety of styles. While the samples from flaring Ätzys guitar amplifier, after paetzi tried tuning the good piece. Since the demise command is again only four. In October 2000 Strohbü announces his imminent exit. After much back and forth the remaining 3 (Michel, paetzi & OMA) die on New Year's Eve Party 2000/2001, the command decide to leave.

    After the dissolution, the members played sometimes more, sometimes less time in various bands over the right of the menu you can find the biography more.

    Saturday, 12 December 2009

    Common Enemy

    Common Enemy comes straight out of Reading, Pennsylvania. Bringing you songs about skateboarding, horror movies, everyday life, and personal politics.

    In 1998 the band was formed, under a different name and with various lineup changes. In 2000 the name was changed to Common Enemy and with this lineup recorded "Outsiders".

    In 2003 when Sonic and Greg Disorder joined the band, Common Enemy was truely born. Right away a tight bond was formed and everyone became more serious about playing out and having fun! With this lineup Common Enemy recorded the "Late Night Skate" CD, "Let's Have Fun!" 7” EP, Eyes of Hate / Common Enemy "Circle Pit Split" 7”, The Twats vs. Common Enemy "One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall" split 7" and have tracks on various compilations nationally and internationally. This lineup was also responsible for an East Coast / Midwest tour, a Midwest tour, a European tour, and too many extensive short / weekend tour stretches in the Northeast, Mid Atlantic, and Eastern Midwest to mention.

    In April 2006 Sonic left the band to pursue education in Recording Arts in FL. In his place, longtime friend Mikey stepped in to take over on vocals. With Mikey, Common Enemy recorded another full length CD entitled "T.U.I.", and also has tracks on various compilations as well. This lineup is also responsible for a Southern U.S. tour, planning on a second European tour this May 2007, and more non-stop, unrelenting and extensive short / weekend tour schedules.

    In 2007 Mikey decided to leave the band for personal reasons. Sonic had just returned home from school and filled in for 2nd European tour. He also recorded some songs for Common Enemy / L.E.A.R.N. "Till Death" split 7".

    The band is best known for their in your face music style and in July of 2007 tryouts for a new singer began. With amazing luck, they came across Gary who fit the role perfectly. With Gary taking the helm, they have recorded "Common Enemy vs. Everybody's Enemy" CD (released in Japan), one 4 way split CD released in Europe, and various compilations nationally and internationally! Playing whenever possible, writing a new full length CD, and getting ready for their 3rd invasion of Europe in Sept 2008, this band kicks you in your teeth!

    Band Members:
    Gary Critical – vocals
    Greg Disorder – bass, backing vocals
    Justin Enemy – guitar, backing vocals
    Tank – drums

    The Dji Hard

    In the beginning was Djihad, 1997. In the beginning was the young devotee 5 The Exploited, Total Chaos, & the Casualties: Roy, Oche, Dekha, Solir & Konok.
    After the release of they're album as much as 750 pieces (cassettes) in 1999, "Invisible Justice", which in fact is a very good response from Punk Rock Bali scene as well as invited and participates in local legendary compilation album "100% Attitude" (with Superman Is Dead, Emocore revolver, Commercial Suicide, & Victory); Djihad then transformed into the Dji Hard. And at almost the same time, two personnel, Solir & Konok, resigned which was later replaced by Houten (guitar). Yes, the Dji Hard now live with 4. But their fame as a veteran Punk Rock Bali (mainly in the peninsula of Chaos Punk, Anarcho Punk, and the like) have reached a high level. And predictable, while the 2nd album, "pierced the State", launched in 2006, a speech which earned very astonishing. While the majority of fans consider The Dji Hard significant progress. New fans, well, already fascinated with the first big name The Dji Hard ....

    Name: THE DJI HARD
    Founded : December 17, 1997
    Genre: Punk Rock

    1. Roy (vocal)
    2. Oche (bass)
    3. Houten (guitar)
    4. Dekha (drum)

    Manager/Contact Person: Dede Keple
    Tel.: +62361-7802516
    Cell.: +628164701490

    E-mail: dedeflameable@yahoo.com
    Website/Myspace/Friendster: -
    Address: Jl. Leda Suji no. 4, Denpasar, Bali 80232

    1. Invisible Justice
    Producer: Bayu “Bomb on Bus”
    Label: BOB Records
    Release: 1999

    2. Tikam Negeri
    Producer: Markas
    Label: Markas Records
    Release: 2006

    3. 100% Attitude (kompilasi)
    Producer: Commercial Suicide
    Label: Lunatic Records
    Release: 1999

    4. Moshpit Mavericks (kompilasi)
    Producer: A Mild Live
    Label: The Blado Beatsmith
    Release: 2007

    Influenced by: Total Chaos, The Exploited, The Casualties, The Misfits

    Gigs Terbaik:
    1. Granat – The Series, Denpasar, Bali, 1998 – 2007
    2. Pestol I & II, Denpasar, Bali, 1999 & 2000
    3. Chaos Day – The Series, Denpasar, Bali, 1999 – 2006
    4. Soundrenaline (talent stage) at GWK, Denpasar, 2007


    Marginal Man

    Marginal Man was a hardcore punk band that emerged in the Washington, D.C. hardcore scene in 1983. Some members of Marginal Man played earlier in Artificial Peace, a band which appears on Dischord Records’ important Flex Your Head compilation, an essential document of the 1980’s D.C. punk scene. They played for five years before a final performance at the 9:30 Club in 1988.

    Members of the band included:
    - Steve Polcari - Vocals
    - Pete Murray - Guitar, Vocals
    - Kenny Inouye - Guitar
    - Andre Lee - Bass
    - Mike Manos - Drums

    They released one EP, Identity (Dischord 13), an LP in 1984 called Double Image (Gasatanka/Enigma) and appeared on the compilations, State of the Union and 20 Years of Dischord (Dischord 125).

    Marginal Man were known for energetic live performances, with long haired lead singer Polcari leaping into the air, displaying a more “rock” style than many bands in D.C. They were also a precursor to today’s “emo” scene, with shows interrupted on occasion by a grief stricken Pete Murray who could break down with thoughts of a friend who’d committed suicide. Unlike the lower class punks of the U.K, or blue collar roots elsewhere, many D.C bands like Marginal Man had family links to solid middle & upper class establishment instituitions, their shows were attended on occasion by guitarist Inouye’s father for example, a prominent Senator from Hawaii. Although Marginal Man and many other bands of this era were neither as commercially sucessful, long-lived nor as memorable as such bands as Minor Threat, such lesser-known bands are considered by some to be more representative of the energy, spontaneity, and communal feeling of the time.

    Thursday, 3 December 2009


    First established in 1996, precisely on September 30. Originally consisting of a group of young Aldonny, Heru, Dicky and Hendra try to contribute to voice their sorrow to life. Mutant X by the name of the song they brought their favorite band. Along with the passage of time they felt a lack of Mutant X Indonesia. Finally elected as the bars that represent their names when called up on stage.

    Bars career climbing up and down stream and the bitter sweetness of the stage to the stage.
    Until they finally invited to engage in a classic compilation bertajug Bandung's Burning in 1997 that produced by a single Riotic Recs No Really Competitions. Still in the same year bars to accept invitations to engage in a compilation produced by the label `Tian An Men 89 Recs from France and go on Pianjingeun single compilation disc released in the form of a black 7-inch size and circulating in France and other European countries are independent.

    In 1998, after approximately 2 years of trying from the stage to the stage in Indonesia's underground scene eventually spawned bars independently debut album titled Freedom, which was released by the Bandung Recs 41. In the same year the compilation was also released and Beverages Brain singles bars song Broken is involved in the compilation released by Harder Recs Bandung.
    Apparently also echoes the bars until sunrise state records and a company called All Systems Fail re-release contains the singles compilation Pianjingeun cooperate with the Tian An Men `89 Recs in the form of a compact disc and released in 1999.

    Bars within the country itself was concerned with the absence of a representative skate for the Skateboarder play. Along with the idea that bars taken by the ISA (Indonesian Skateboarding Association) and Spills Records to make a compilation of benefits allocated to the manufacture Skatepark. Single Drunk With Power became one of the songs in A Ticket To Ride & quota benefits for local skate "which was released by Spills Records.
    In 2000 bars changed formations and decided to increase personnel as part of the dynamic music bars. Robby Guitar positions and give new breath to the bars. And this year also released the album Against Prisoners Recs. Bars stage journey did not stop, but instead more and more and maturing each personnel.

    Live Recording idea of involving the audience directly was not yet exist in Indonesia at that time was of interest to several parties. And finally come true already, and involve some pioneering bands and independent labels in Bandung. With tajug Harvest Live Recording 4 bars along with Puppen, Forgotten and Blind To See doing a show recorded live at Dago Tea House on 2001 indoor planned to be released in the form of tapes, CDs and VCDs.

    At the end of 2003, the last formation of bars Aldonny "Themfuck", Heru, Robby, Sanny and Gigi had finished the song material for the third album. After going through the process of negotiations and sign contracts with one independent recording companies, eventually in August 2004 their album named "3rd" successful album released exclusively by Subciety Records. The album contains 13 songs with the material and feel very different from their previous albums. As Heat up the underground scene in Indonesia, recently completed Bars Video Clips for Single Fight. But after our own identity began to grow in a community that is solid enough, eventually we had to be abandoned by one of our guitarists is Heru, and while to fill the emptiness that position was replaced by Ayi as additional. Line-ups still survive until now, and is now in the process of preparation for making video clips of songs some of the material in the "3rd" album.
    Line-up tersebut masih bertahan sampai sekarang, dan sekarang sedang dalam proses persiapan untuk pembuatan video klip beberapa materi lagu yang ada di “3rd” album.

    Tuesday, 1 December 2009

    The (International) Noise Conspiracy

    With roots in five different bands, the (International) Noise Conspiracy formed during the latter half of 1998 in Umeå, Sweden. The quintet set out to use its music as an attack against capitalist culture at large by taking the universal idea of popular culture and molding the basis of its phenomenon into statements of resistance. As for the music, the band created a hybrid of garage rock and 1960s soul mixed with the punk of the late 1970s. Since its formation, the (International) Noise Conspiracy has released a handful of 7" records and full-length albums, several of which were recorded with veteran producer Rick Rubin.

    Fascinated by singer/songwriter Phil Ochs' assertion that "the perfect rock outfit would be a combination of Elvis and Che Guevara," guitarist/vocalist Lars Strömberg and lead vocalist Dennis Lyxzén decided to start a group in the fall of 1998 that would make a reality of that statement. Lyxzén had just witnessed the implosion of his former hardcore band, Refused, and was hungry to start anew with a group that could use its music as a political vehicle. Strömberg, who was performing with the Umeå punk band Separation, shared Lyxzén's ideals, and the duo set out to hunt down more members to join the project. They found a bassist in their friend Inge Johansson (of the Umeå-based art/noise band the Female Anchor of Sade), and the (International) Noise Conspiracy properly took shape upon the dual addition of guitarist/organist Sara Almgren and drummer Ludwig Dahlberg, both of whom were performing with the political rock band Saidwas. (Prior to Saidwas, Almgren had made a name for herself playing guitar with the Umeå metal outfit Doughnuts.)

    With their lineup in place, the (International) Noise Conspiracy stepped into the studio in 1999 to record 12 songs. The tracks were released as a series of five 7" records later that year on four different labels, including the band's own The Black Mask Collective, as well as Premonition, Car Crash, and Trans Solar Records. The majority of the tracks that comprised these 7"s were then presented on the band's first full-length LP, The First Conspiracy, released later that same year on the G-7 Welcoming Committee imprint. The band members also kept busy with side projects; specifically, Lyxzén released a full-length album, titled Songs in the Key of Resistance and a self-titled 7" record with his band the Lost Patrol. The style and message of the latter group remained in much the same vein as that of the (International) Noise Conspiracy. Johansson also kept his hands full with his other band the Female Anchor of Sade, which released the 10" "Tanks to Everyone."

    The (International) Noise Conspiracy returned in May 2000 to release their second full-length album, Survival Sickness, on Burning Heart Records. The band also brokered a deal with the CA-based punk label Epitaph Records to distribute the album in the United States. First Conspiracy appeared in early 2001 and was met with a mixed reaction due to its heavy political content. Later that year, the Capitalism Stole My Virginity EP saw a more amicable reception due to the growing interest in the Scandanavian rock scene from American garage rock fans. In the spring of 2003, the band released Bigger Cages, Longer Chains, an EP that included several videos and was significantly short on political messages. Sara Almgren left the lineup soon after, but good luck loomed around the corner as legendary producer Rick Rubin signed the group to his own label, American Recordings. The soulful, Rubin-produced Armed Love appeared in Europe in 2004, while its American release followed nearly a year later. Released in 2008, The Cross of My Calling saw the group reprising their relationship with Rubin. Stephen Howell, All Music Guide

    No WTO Combo

    The politically-motivated supergroup No WTO Combo featured Jello Biafra on vocals, Kim Thayil on guitar, Krist Novoselic on bass, and Novoselic's Sweet 75 bandmate Gina Mainwal on drums. Formed to celebrate and support the protesters demonstrating against the World Trade Organization conference held in Seattle, the No WTO Combo gave their only live performance on December 1, 1999; this show was released as the album Live From the Battle in Seattle the following spring on Biafra's Alternative Tentacles label.

    Tuesday, 17 November 2009

    Tersanjung x13

    The band began around year 2002 from one little studio at Ciledug.
    And the name “Tersanjung13” itself came up from one most popular soap opera in that era,
    without any reason just for being more “funny” hehehe.
    Some of our friend said that this band is Grindcore, some said Crustcore, but for us all are the same.
    We liked both Grindcore or Crustcore.
    Some Bands who’s inspired us are TERORRIZER, NAPALM DEATH (early), CODE13 & UNHOLYGRAVE.

    Jangan Lakukan dirumah Ep. tape (TukangSayur Records)
    Breathless War 6 Way Split. tape & cd (TukangSayur Records)
    Split w/ JeritanxSepi (Broken Noise Records)
    Split w/ Cruel Execute (Kotzetapez)
    V/a Kami Dengan APa Adanya (TukangSayur Records)
    V/a What wrong with my Ears (Teriak Records)
    V/a Kompilasi Komplikasi vol.2 (Ibuku Diperkosa Records)
    V/a Fight Back (Sampah Records)
    99% punkrock 1% grindcore "mini discography cd" (SNOP label Japan)
    V/a In Times Of Assault (Massacre Record)

    Wednesday, 11 November 2009


    MARJINAL is a group band music of the many indie bands group in Indonesia genre punk. marjinal influenced and inspired by the sex pistols, Bob Marley, Leo Kristi, Toy Dolls, Bad Religion, The Crass, Benjamin S, and The Ramones first started their career in 1997 when it was still using the name of AA (Anti ABRI) and AM (Anti-Military )in undreground community. Formed by similarities in dealing with real life each other,
    Line up :
    • Romi Jahat (vocals)
    • mike (guitar)
    • bob (bass)
    • steven (drums), 
    to convey a message to a rejection or acceptance and hope after what feels , seen, in around, and at the hearing that the deal with everyday.Reside in Depok, a small town in South of Jakarta, Indonesia.
    • album 1 (1997) Anti ABRI
    • album 2 (1999) Anti Military
    • Album 3 (2001) Termarjinalkan
    • Album 4 (2005) Predator
    already several times in the body experiencing Marjinal mutually pairs or unloading personnel, are now strengthened by Romi Jahat(vocals), Mike (guitar), Bob (bass), Proph (drums) are now to proceed with trying to stay alive convey the message of suffering of the people who poured in the form of music media.

    Bunga Hitam

    Bunga Hitam - Jalan Baru.mp3

    Sunday, 8 November 2009

    Krass Kepala

    From felt tired with every formal thing we have to do just to keep us alive, some of us who usually hangout with other friends, stealing happy hours, celebrate our spare time, and do other activity with individual desire expression oriented together in order to keep away boredom from our everyday life, unintentionaly planed to form a band. then a common band with common individual skill but has..mmm..a common performance too was formed in a day at august 2005. we've got consensus to named it KRASS KEPALA. started with KUNX and dinamidefian play disharmonic on guitar, MAN MARGOMAN as bass explorer, TORO bangs an innocent drumset without compassion, AMA and POHON hold microphones and responsible to many ears annoyed by their voice. in our debut, we played to opening many gigs by our initiative..without permittion :D. then aNDRE SS decided to join normal life as bureaucrat, and maman magoman came replacing him on bass explorer. with this formation KRASS KEPALA performed at many place in Nusantara, and maybe someday in yours.. For booking info please feel free to call us : +6285720068454
    download song:

    Begundal Lowokwaru

    As ten years ago, “Begundal Lowokwaru” was just chatter of Indra Binatang and Ustad Chipeng, that revolution isn’t meant to be done in either big city or metropolis, everything can be started; depend on what we have to start first. From those chatter, a band without personnel was born. The band that somewhat influenced by rascal local bands who had clear statement about punk fashion, at that time, i.e. Laga Bara, Runtah, and also bands from early era of street punk community, i.e. Realino, Sriwedari, Meruya, and many more.
    It was a short trip for Indra Binatang and Ustardz Chipeng to celebrate New Year eve in Klayatan, around 8pm, 31st December 1998, during the trip. The name for the band was born, “Begundal Lowokwaru” with two personnel. And in the next following day, the other personnel were recruited to help this uncertain project, they are: Buyung Mukembe, Age' Pipo Pilipo A.K.A Panda, Sableng, Fordi and Koko Ombat. Based on songs that they’ve created in Sidodadi Junction (place near Singosari traditional market), Begundal Lowokwaru began to perform in small punk events or sometime get leftover time from their close relative, a skapunk band “Skatoopid”. Eventually, Begundal’s songs such as “Road to the bottle (equality)”, “oi!seplok”, or “saudara sebotol” already take place in the local scene. Begundal Lowokwaru elevated street issues with straight and frank lyric-writing style; they began to get larger fans and audience, even though there still many of them questioned or even criticized their subject matter. After created some songs and gathered enough personnel, they planned to record their first album. Begundal Lowokwaru recorded their first album at Nada Musica Surabaya, this album contains 11 songs straight to the point street punk anthem, with personnel; ustardz Chipeng (vokal), John Gembel Gua Selarong (Guitar), Sableng Tangisan Boot (bass), Gopel Titisan Kiley (drum), and aided by Paduan suara Punkemiz Antartika Sidoarjo, This album was released under Street drunk rock records label in late 1999.
    After this album had released, song that before was sung by local audience and relatives, now began to proclaimed in some punk communities which at that time so-called early era of punk, they rocked all the performing enquiries from Jakarta to “Island of Deity” Bali. 2000 copy album sale was a phenomenal achievement for the band from small town with mediocre music skill.
    The big success in their first album brought the opportunity for Begundal Lowokwaru to collaborated with the elder of Sayidan Skinhead "the Sardonic", this album was developed in Yogyakarta, contains 11 songs from both bands, and released by Realino Records Yogyakarta, and also released with very limited copy, it was only 75 copy!. After split album release, a lot of changes occurred in the band. John Gembel resigned from the band, Age' Pipo Pilipo rejoined as bassist and Sableng filled rhythm guitar position, and Begundal Lowokwaru also invited Antok Celeng for lead guitar. With the current formation Begundal Lowokwaru began to work on their second album, at last, 11 songs which most of it written in English was released in early 2003, titled "Suburban legion", this album was an musical exploration and maturing development for Begundal Lowokwaru, a traditional instrument usually use by Arbanat (Traditional Food) seller was used in their music, made Begundal Lowokwaru became new concept for Indonesian punk scene.
    This was turning point for Begundal Lowokwaru, the band hit by life necessity, Sableng and Celeng had to work in Bali, Ustardz Chipeng went to Borneo, and Gopel also went to Sumatra In this Phase, with aid from friends, Indra Binatang strived to keep Begundal Lowokwaru in motion, Begundal Lowokwaru’s vacuum phase occurred in a long time, in these time, Begundal Lowokwaru only produced one song for compilation album released by patriot 666 records Bali, titled “And the bottle for all”, this song also released by Realino Records titled “Oi! Penalti”.
    In late 2004, Ustardz Chipeng return in Malang, fortunately, Antok Celeng also went back to Malang, some songs began to set in motion with band formation Ustardz Chipeng, Antok Celeng, Age' Pipo Pilipo, Bansheng Blokotok, and Udin Bach Cock(screaming factor). four songs had been made with this formation, and this time, the song contains lightweight instrument yet neat and so Begundal-ish recorded in studio ANTZ Malang, four song they produced began it’s journey fron one computer to another with mp3 format, even though, it was demo song, nevertheless it became anthem for this cold city.
    Early 2006, personnel changes happened again, Bansheng Blokotok resign because the heavy tour schedule which usually crashed with his work, meanwhile, Udin Bach Cock determinate to get serious with his own band “Screaming Factor”, later on, their position filled again by “The Lost Boy” Indra Binatang who was idle because of Skatoopid was in vacuum phase, and his friend in Diskoteror project “diskopunk”, and drum position filled by an independence drummer, Rosi Kobra (played for many significant bands in local scene).
    With this current formation, material for the next album was worked on; even they were still in city to city tour. Later on, in WW Studio, they recorded 20 songs for the third album, after all basic recording finished, mixing and mastering processed in GG Studio. Only nine songs added to their newest album. Titled “Punk Is A Threat Not A Fashion Tips( Goin' Traditional ), the album hit the market march 2008, just two months after released 1000 copy has been sold, this album was the answer for the thirst of Begundal Lowokwaru’s fans who longing for their work. In this phase, Indra Binatang had to vanish once more to get married. His position temporarily replaced by all-around guitarist Acoy Geboy (SATCF, kids next door, soldiers embrace) and Fat Feri (dive into summer); with this latest formation they wiped out Java-Bali on April till July 2008. And now,,,,, they are still working, recording, practicing, guitar fingering, drum practicing and rehearsals the new materials for the 4th album.

     Download song
    Official Website : http://begundallowokwaru.com


    ROCKMINI are a indonesian Eazy Core Band from Depok,west java - indonesia,who formed in 2003.they played style of music that fused hardcore and punk,known as punk rock on thier first ep album - but they have taken on a more hardcore style with their latest album.

    The Story Of Rockmini ROCKMINI is a punk band out based of Depok city,Indonesia...Rizky "NCEX"(guitar,vocal) Derek( guitar,vocal) Alen (bass) and Bima (drum) Started the band in 2002 in they high school "YAPEMRI" and picked up Radja on guitar ,ROCKMINI realesed a E.P album live on D.I.Y record in 2003 titled "ROCKMINI E.P" after Bima was longer in the band because he have metal soul not a punk soul, ROCKMINI picked up Andi to play drum on their frist demo on VANESSA music studio, but Andi didn't last long because he must go to MESIR for study in university, but ROCKMINI still exist in Depok and change position Derek (guitar,vocal)Radja (guitar,vocal) Alen (bass) and Rizky (drum,vocal)In 2005 Radja and Rizky was no longer in the band because they have a new band, but ROCKMINI found Galih to play guitar and Aris to play drum in 2006 ROCKMINI picked up aditional player Mario on vocal, ROCKMINI demo on CALLISTA music studio have 2 songs "KILL THE LONELYNESS" and "WAITING" but Mario didn't last long because he never know how to sing, the line-up now Derek(guitar) Galih (guitar) Alen (bass) and Aris (drum),but galih was no longer because he's want to focus with he new band and the line up now RENDY(guitar/vocal),ALEN (bass/vocal),and ARIS (DRUM/vocal) stayed together to put out ROCKMINI newest and greatest E.P "We’re Fucking Werewolf "

    - Maximum Rock Overdrive/Compilation [2006]
    - Part Of The Heart/Compilation [2007]
    - Fantastic 4/4way spilt [2007]
    - Beat Of Sound/Compilation [2008]
    - Superockreturn Ep [2008]
    - Party Like 80's [2009]
    Current Members
    - Mardhin"ALEN"Hamka - Vocal/bass [2003-present]
    - Rendy"DEREK"Victoria - Vocal/Guitar [2003-present]
    - Aris Sutisna - Vocal/Drum [2006-present]

    Former Members
    - Risky"Ncheck"Riady - Guitar/Drum/Vocal [2003-2006]
    - Prima"RAJA"Ganda - Guitar [2003-2006]
    - Bima"MORRON"Satria - Drum [2003-2005]
    - Andy Purnamacandra - Drum [2005-2006]
    - Jauhari"GALIH"Sagalih - Guitar [2006-2008]
    - Mario"BULE" - Vocal [2006-2008]
    Other Projects

    - Rendy And His Brother,Chandra formed a Chipcore band named Last Words Before I Die
    - Rendy also had an electronic instrumental side project called Screaming With Ice Cream
    - Rendy have a solo Pop band called Victoria
    - Rendy Owns Diamonds Clothing And Employs his Friends To Help run And Manage it With Him
    - Aris and his friends have a pop side project called Intan n D'Aura -Alen 

    Find ROCKMINI in here

    Sunday, 25 October 2009

    SB 27

    SB 27 RockPunk from Stockholm/Luleå Sweden. I first heard their music, reminds me to Bad Religion with vocal like Fat Wrech. Their music was so loud with a very good harmony. They are formed from a long friendship awake in August, 2004 when they drank together.
    Kaj came from "THE DUSKFALL", Glenn came from "SHUTDOWN IMMINENT", Patrik came from "UNTIED" and Jonas from the hardcore act "CASE". In 2006 Their old friend Daniel, also ex "UNTIED", joined them on drums and now they are stronger than ever before.
    check their music and burn Your SB 27 CD's Own.

    Chek Their Site in Here

    Thursday, 22 October 2009


    The Pain formed in 1983,out of distorted and no disgrace,the band has seen many line up changes,and up until 2007 still had 3 original members. we were influenced by the clash and 2nd wave of punk-ruts/uk subs discharge etc,but never tried to sound like our influences,shaping the band into their unique brand of ..punkfuckingrock...The Pain recorded demo..s in 83/84/87/92/94,the songs were released as tapes,the bands gigged with many of the uk..s finest,and finally released their debut album in 2005,..Arab On The Hill..and 2008 will see their 2nd offering released,titled-..-..Songs from the soil.....The Pain individually hold many political and moral beliefs,but try not to over emphasise that,mixing politics with humour and reggae/ska/hardcore aspects combined with our old school roots have shaped the pain into a true honest fun punk rock band.

     line up:

    Harry -Vocals
    Jacko -Bass
    Lawden -guitar/vocals
    Wooz -L.Guitar/vocals
    Tran -Drums

    The pain - Planet Payback.mp3

    Wednesday, 21 October 2009

    Anti-Flag Profile

      By Ryan Cooper, About.com


    Although Anti-Flag in its current lineup is known for being formed in Pittsburgh in 1993, the band was actually started up by Justin Sane and Pat Thetic in 1988. That incarnation fell apart after one show, and the band was shelved until 1993, when the current version of Anti-Flag began to take shape with the recruitment of (now ex-) bassist Andy Flag.

    Current Lineup:

    Justin Sane - Lead vocals, Lead guitar (1988-present)
    Chris #2 - Bass, Lead vocals (1998-present)
    Chris Head - Rhythm Guitar, Backing vocals (1997-present)
    Pat Thetic - Drums (1988-present)

    A Controversial Name:

    The band's name often attracts criticism by those who believe it reflects an anti-American stance. The band offered an explanation of their name on the artwork for their 1999 release, A New Kind of Army, saying "Anti-Flag does not mean Anti-American. Anti-Flag means anti-war. Anti-Flag means the common people of the world are better off living in unity and peace. Anti-Flag means to stand against corporate greed that hurts millions while benefiting a handful of extremely rich. Anti-Flag means to fight against mindless nationalism. Anti-Flag means unity."

    Controversial Politics:

    Anti-Flag has always been fiercely and vocally political, taking a stance against war and capitalism, and addressing such issues as fascism in the punk scene, American foreign policy and racism.
    This anti-capitalist stance drew criticism towards the band when they signed with RCA Records. Detractors said that this constituted a "sell-out" and that the band would lose its passion and voice. Anti-Flag defended against these attacks by saying that the new label allowed them to bring their message to more people, and by simply not toning down any of their messages on their first major label release, For Blood And Empire.

    Selected Discography:

    Die for the Government (1996) New Red Archives
    Their System Doesn't Work for You (1998) A-F Records
    A New Kind of Army (1999) Go-Kart Records/A-F Records
    Underground Network (2001) Fat Wreck Chords
    Mobilize (2002) A-F Records
    The Terror State (2003) Fat Wreck Chords
    For Blood And Empire (2006) RCA Records
    The Bright Lights of America (2008) RCA Records

    Sunday, 18 October 2009

    A Sistem Rijek ?!

    A Sistem Rijek?! are :
    • IxWsfkd: Voxwords
    • Budi Rijk: Gitrazz
    • BowYeaaah: Buzz
    • Ben WnkrZ: Drum

    Fastcore, Brutal Screaming like Total chaos, Extreme Decay

    Recorded at Bridge Studio 2005
    All songs written by A Sistem Rijek?!
    All lyrics written by IxWsfkd
    Cover album by IxWsfkd
    Released by Yes No Wave Music


    Formed by Melbourne-based artist Danius Kesminas in 2006, PUNKASILA is a fluid and collaborative project which includes graduates and current students from the Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) in Yogyakarta. PUNKASILA play custom-made, hand-crafted mahogany guitars simulating hybrid M-16s/AK-47s and wear camouflage-patterned hand-painted batik, tailored as military fatigues. PUNKASILA's debut album, "Acronym Wars" was released in Indonesia in 2006. PUNKASILA give voice to the cacophony of acronyms representing the disparate political, military, religious, cultural and bureaucratic organisations that constitute the Indonesian body politic. Since Soekarno’s reign, acronyms have represented a real site of ideological struggle. Between 1950 and 1965 this phenomenon was defined as the period of “acronym wars”. PUNKASILA have set these acronyms to a frenetic, progressive-punk-rock idiom. Each song repetitively iterates a specific acronym, invoking its popular inversion using plesetan – a peculiar Indonesian word play or subversive double-speak. The name, PUNKASILA, which literally means “punk principles”, derives from Pancasila, the five ideological tenets devised by Soekarno as propaganda to create a unitary basis of Indonesian nationhood. Although PUNKASILA’s repertoire and appearance as a cultural outlaw militia suggests provocative intent the project is more a celebration of new-dawn, post-reformasi openness than critique, ambiguously straddling the fault between taboo, parody and humour. By demonstration, on the basis of the song list the CD was prohibited to replicate in Indonesia and the band have been previously censured at gigs. PUNKASILA have performed throughout Java and their numerous fans are from a wide-ranging demographic that includes the Sultan of Yogyakarta, Hamengkubuwono X, who has purchased a copy of Acronym Wars (which is possibly on high rotation in the princesses quarters). PUNKASILA’s abbreviated Repertoire (with accompanying plesetan inversion): TNI: Tentara Nasional Indonesia (Indonesian National Military), Tikyan Ning Idab-Idabi (Poor but Adorable) PNU: Partai Nahdlatul Ummat (Islamic Community Awakening Party), Partai Nunut Udud (Party for Taking Cigarettes from your Friends) TURBA: a conflation of Turun ke Bawah and Turuk Babi (Down to Earth, Pig’s Vagina). Turun ke Bawah was a leftist ideology of the 1950’s and 60’s for the political and cultural mobilisation of the populous. It was later used by the Soeharto regime to spread New Order ideology to the villages. KOPASSSUS: Komando Pasukan Khusus (Special Force Command), Komando Pasukan Suka Susu (Milk Lovers’ Force Command/Tit Lovers’ Force Command) PKI: Partai Komunis Indonesia (Indonesian Communist Party), Penggemar Komik Indonesia (Indonesian Comic Fans), Penggemar Kaos Indonesia (Indonesian T-Shirt Fans), Partai Kaos Indonesia (Chaos Party of Indonesia), Penjahat Kelamin Indonesia (Indonesian Sex Offender) RPKAD: Resimen Para Komando Angkatan Darat (Army Para-Commando Regiment Command), Rampung Kenthu Anake Duwekmu (We have Sex but the Child will be Yours) PUNKASILA Cell Operatives: Adhik Kristiantoro: hand-crafted mahogany gun guitars & garuda emblem carving relief "Le'War" Warsito: metal tripod guitar stands Pak Manto: hand-made, batik lined, embossed guitar cases Drs. Muhajirin & Oct. Yoyok Suroso: hand-painted 5m x 3m PUNKASILA banner Abdul Sy.: camouflage patterned, hand-painted batik & 5m x 3m batik banner Nia-Nia: batik tailored military fatigues Terra Bajraghosa: PUNKASILA video animations "Iwank" Erwan Hersi Susanto: PUNKASILA comics Pius Sigit Kuncoro: PUNKASILA wayang puppets "Jiyot" Heri Sukowati: electronic noise machines Antariksa: acronym consultant Iwan Effendi: PUNKASILA dictionary of 28,000 Indonesian acronyms Wok the Rock: posters Gentong: logistics and arak supplies Production and sound engineering: Dave Nelson PUNKASILA WOULD LIKE THANKS TO : all the people who help us ,TONY KASMINAS n family, gintas and allice, lithuanian house, melbourne city, DARRENKNIGHT GALLERY, nickolas champber,out loud studio, jackpot resto, queen street, GALLERY OF MODERN ART BRISBANE, DING DONG LOUNGE, THE HISTRIONICS, MELBOURNE BITTER, XXXX,and legendary PROFOST STREET 52 YEAH!!!!!!

    PUNKASILA are:
    • Danius Kesminas: megaphone and hand grenade microphone 
    • "Hahan" Uji Handoko Eko Saputro: radio transmission vocals 
    • Rudy "Atjeh" Dharmawan: KSP Stehr AUG, 5.56mm guitar 
    • "Iyok" Prayoga Satrio Utomo: KSP Zastava M80, 5.5mm guitar 
    • Janu Satmoko: KSP hybrid M16/grenade launcher bass 
    • Prihatmoko "Moky" Catur: drums and amplified ballistics 
    • Gde Krisna Widiathama: anti-keyboard satellite signals 
    • Wimo Ambala Bayang: modified communications devices  
     Download : Kopassus

    Record LabelDarren Knight Gallery Records

    Friday, 16 October 2009

    Vital Pentols mp3 - Indonesian Punk


    Indonesian Punk Rock, playing semi classic punk like sex pistols, the partisans and Last Resorts

    Vital PENTOLS form in 1998 was the youth's responsibility it rock music who want to fill the boredom with the routine of playing music and then agreed to form a rockmusic band to transform the energy and anger will be a lasting saturation (which is also a time to be a saturation).
    We play songs of The Sex Pistols, and several months later in a house garage Bhernadus we agreed to give a name and VITAL PENTOLS have a song with tittle:"Better be a Punk than fucking Junkies".
    The last line up are : Gadjah-vodkalist/bass, Noveus-vox/synth, Doly-bac vox/ guitar, Rach-drums, Ayi - Guitar.

    Thursday, 15 October 2009

    Der Dicke Polizist

     Der Dicke Polizist (since 2005 only DDP) is a german punk band, which was founded in 1993 in Koblenz (near Bonn). DDP's music can be discribed as critical, direct and political Punkrock.
    After many shows in their town, DDP produced their first demo tap "Keine Gerechtigkeit,Keine Liebe" (1994). In the following 3 year the band became more and more popular and plays shows with Wizo. Fuckin' Faces and Dödelhaie. Then they produced their second demo tape, called "Wir habens satt". In 1998 the next demo tape "Was Den Lieben Nachbar Stört" and their first album "Es geschah am hellixten Tag" had been produced. DDP produced the next album in the year 2002, which is called "Und Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt". In 2005 next album "DDP" had been published.
    Today the bands name is only DDP because the old bandname sounds so funny ("the fat police man"), but the music DDP makes isn't funny, the lyrics are critical and politic.

    Du hast Panik in den Augen
    Unordnung in Deinem Kopf
    Versuch doch mal zu schreien
    Wenn Du noch immer hoffst
    Du hast doch alles schon gewusst
    Deshalb trifft Dich keine Schuld
    So wie es jetzt nun ist
    So hast Du es nie gewollt

    Kein Kopf, der Dich versteht 
    Kein Herz das mit Dir fühlt Kein Bein das mit 
    Dir geht und bei Dir bleib wenn 
    Du noch stehst Keine Hand die man 
    Dir reicht Kein Auge das nach 
    Dir blickt Kein Bein das mit 
    Dir geht sondern Dich von hinten tritt

    Du kennst schon all die Phrasen
    Die Parolen färben langsam ab
    Und Deine Lederjacke
    Hängt zu eng in Deinem Schrank

    So ein wenig ist es noch wie früher
    Es wird nur nicht mehr geglaubt
    Du löffelst braune Stücke aus der Suppe
    Und spuckst sie nicht mehr aus

    ONE WAY SYSTEM - Biography

    One Way System were formed in 1979 as a five piece band in Fleetwood, a seaside fishing town in the North West of England. Their raucous punk style was first noticed by No Future Records who included a demo of 'Jerusalem' on the now collectable compilation 'A Country Fit For Heroes' in 1981. This was shortly followed by the seminal 'Stab The Judge' EP on Blackpool's own 'Beat The System Records'.
    It had taken some time for the line up to settle down as Gavin Whyte on vocals, Dave Ross guitar, Gaz Buckley bass & Tom Couch on drums
    By 1983 the System became the first signing for new Cherry Red label 'Anagram Records'. Their first single for the label 'Give Us A Future' leapt straight into the Independent Chart. The band were featured on the front cover of the now defunct 'Sounds' music paper to coincide with the release of their acclaimed first album 'All Systems Go'. By this time the band were gigging constantly, both as headliners and alongside contemporaries such as GBH, The Exploited and The Test Tube Babies.
    In retrospect the second album 'Writing On The Wall' really said it all with a title hinting of things to come. Although as hard edged and gritty as the first LP, one can detect the desire to move onwards and upwards from the straight punk sound. The band played some classic shows to promote the record including their only European outing, a 32 date tour of Germany.
    The change of producer, from manager John Bentham, to Clay Records supremo Mike Stone for the 'Visions of Angels' EP, was a dramatic shift of sound and feel. Although well received, it seemed to leave the band in an almost uncomfortable void from which there was 'no return'.
    October 1984 saw the band in America for a West Coast tour alongside US act 'The Circle Jerks', whose singer broke his neck just before the first gig resulting in the tour being cancelled. However the Los Angeles show at the massive Olympic Auditorium went ahead with Suicidal Tendencies stepping in. This was followed a couple a days later by what was to be the Systems last gig at an illegal warehouse party, where the band played a storming set on minimal equipment, hitting the last note as the Los Angeles Police Department arrived to break up the gathering
    Their return to the UK was to prove difficult and although enough songs were written for a new album, the band had decided to call it a day.
    1994 saw the release of both albums on CD by the "Captain Oi!" re-issue label. This was followed by a 'Best Of' CD from "Anagram". By mid '95 the original band was back together, rehearsing for their first live show in over Ten years. A couple of warm up gigs in the North of England were followed by the 'Fuck Reading' all dayer at London's Brixton Academy in front of 2000 people, along with a similar show headlining in Belgium.
    Late November saw the departure of original bass player Gaz Buckley, with Dave 'Rabid' Brown standing in for a Ten date tour across Europe, Dave was soon to be replaced by Andy Wilkinson.
    March 1996 and Cleopatra Records in Los Angeles issue the bands first ever US domestic release "Forgotten Generation", which is basically the "Best Of", but using some different tracks and different packaging. The band also released a limited pressing 7" vinyl EP of 4 live tracks from the Rennesincluding the already legendary 'Holidays In The Sun' festival in Blackpool, where the System "came home" to headline the second stage on the Saturday.
    Whilst the band were working on new material and preparing to record in early '97, they found themselves without a singer! Gavin had decided not to pursue any interest with the band. So a decision was made to continue working on songs with band roadie 'Lee Havoc' taking on the microphone. This arrangement worked very well, and in a short time the band were recording new material
    One Way Systems performance at the 'Holidays In The Sun' festival, The Holiday Snaps Video, is the last release to feature Gavin. A fitting finale for Gav to be playing to his biggest audience ever for a local show. Respect. 

      When we get back to Jerusalem
    Everybody's gonna praise our name
    When we get back to Jerusalem
    Ain't nothing gonna be the same
    When the System hit Jerusalem
    All the waters gonna turn to beer
    When we get back to Jerusalem
    You wont never see us hanging round here

    Jerusalem can't you feel the heat
    Jerusalem dare you walk the streets
    With everybody looking after number one
    Your face ain't nothing till you gone

    The last time we went to Jerusalem
    Everyone said we sounded fine
    The last time we went to Jerusalem
    Everybody had a real good time
    The punks ain't punks in Jerusalem
    They all think they know how to pose
    Opinions don't matter in Jerusalem
    As long as you wear the right clothes

    Tuesday, 13 October 2009


    Normahl is a German punk band formed in 1978 in Stuttgart by four high school students. Their first major entry into the U.S. was with the song Keine Überdosis Deutschland featured in the hit movie Euro Trip.



    • 1980 Stuttgart über alles (EP) (Stuttgart over all)
    • 1981 Verarschung Total (LP)
    • 1982 Ein Volk steht hinter uns (LP) (The people are behind us)
    • 1984 Der Adler ist gelandet (LP) (The eagle has landed)
    • 1985 Harte Nächte (LP) (Hard nights)
    • 1986 Lebendig I - Live in Switzerland (LP/live) (Alive I - Live in Switzerland)
    • 1988 Biervampir (Maxi-Single) (beer vampire)
    • 1989 Kein Bier vor vier (LP) (No beer before four)
    • 1991 Blumen im Müll (CD/LP) (Flowers in the garbage)
    • 1993 Auszeit (CD/LP) (Time out)
    • 1994 Lebendig II - Ernst ist das Leben (CD/live) (Alive II - Life is serious)
    • 1994 Lebendig III - Heiter ist die Kunst (CD/ live) (Alive II - Art is funny)
    • 2002 IN RI 21 (CD)
    • 2003 Das ist Punk – Best of...(CD) (This is Punk - best of)
    • 2005 Voll Assi (CD) (Totally associal)


    • 1987 Harte Nächte (Single) (Hard Night)
    • 1987 Fraggles (Single)
    • 1989 Hans im Glück (Single) (Lucky Hans)
    • 1990 Merry Jingle (Single)
    • 1991 Geh wie ein Tiger (Single/ Maxi CD) (Walk like a tiger)
    • 1992 Drecksau (Maxi CD) (Dirty pig)
    • 1992 Diplomatenjagd (Maxi CD) (Hunt the diplomat)
    • 1993 Weit weg (Maxi CD) (Far away)
    • 2000 Sex am Telefon (Maxi CD) (Sex on the telephone)
    • 2005 Sonne im Dezember (Maxi CD) (Sunny December)
    • 2006 Wenn ein Tor fällt...(Maxi CD) (When a goal is shot...)